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Sport4All Partnership

Hockey Queensland is pleased to announce a partnership with Sport4All, to provide a range of education, training and resources that is available for FREE to Associations, Clubs, and the Hockey Community in the inclusion space. Sport4All is about building capacity, capability, and curiosity around creating opportunities for people with a disability, to be involved in any way that they choose. Not only through participation but through a range of volunteer roles not limited to but including coaching, umpiring, technical, administration and committee roles.

Did you know: 

  • 1 in 5 (18%) of Australians identify as having a disability
  • 90% of people with a disability have a non-visible disability
  • Only 4.4% of people with a disability are wheelchair users
  • Only 24% of Australians with a disability play sport
  • But 75% of Australian’s would like to participate in sport


“ It is very exciting for Sport4All to be able to partner with Hockey Queensland and engage with the hockey community in and around the inclusion space. Sport4all is pleased to be able to provide support through the Sport4All program with education, training and resources for Associations and Clubs. This partnership will ensure that Hockey is a sport for everyone and confidently provide opportunities to welcome people of all abilities, to be involved in with the game, in any way they choose.”

-Kim Abbott, Queensland State Sport Inclusion Coach 


"Sport4All will help educate our athletes, coaches, umpires and officials to create a more inclusive environment. We pride ourselves on our community, and our goal is to equip our clubs with the knowledge to break down barriers for members with a disability. With having a partnership with Sport4All, we will all gain the tools to navigate a more inclusive environment, so everyone can enjoy the sport we love,”

-Tinesha Carey, Hockey Queensland's Participation Coordinator


About Us

We help community sports clubs and schools build the curiosity, skills and confidence to include people with disability when, where, and how they choose. Sport4All is a national award-winning program brought to life through a collaboration between the Australian Government, the Australian Sports Commission, and former Australian of the Year, Dylan Alcott’s consultancy, Get Skilled Access. Our purpose is to drive a positive change in grassroots sport, ensuring that everyone can enjoy the benefits of sport when, where, and how they choose.

Sport4All is dedicated to enhancing inclusion in sports by empowering local sporting clubs, schools, and communities to embrace diversity and create opportunities for people with disability.

Created by Get Skilled Access, a Disability-Owned Business Enterprise (DOBE), meaning the Sport4All program is managed by people with disability and people with lived experience of disability


What are we doing to help our members?

Hockey Queensland has recently contacted members who identified as having a disability during their registration for the 2024 season. We are gathering feedback to understand what we are doing well and where we can improve, with the aim of enhancing our support for all members. Additionally, we seek to increase awareness and understanding of people with disabilities, while providing education and guidance to our Associations and clubs that may require extra support in these areas.

Following this, we have invited Associations to attend a Sport4All workshop on the 4th of November 2024, where we will discuss hockey-specific solutions to help grow our understanding and better support our members with disabilities. This will include individuals who are hard of hearing, vision impaired, and neurodiverse. If you would like to represent your Association at the workshop, please contact to be added to the attendee list.


How can Sport4All support our Clubs and Associations?

Understanding where to start

Start your journey to inclusion with our self-assessment tool. It helps us understand what you’re doing well and where we can help. Free to all Hockey Queensland members, clubs, and associations.

Build confidence & capability

Using your detailed report from the inclusion check-in survey, engage with 8 Interactive Modules – short videos, resource booklets, checklists, & templates to support your journey.

Take meaningful action

Templates provided to define short, medium, and long-term inclusive objectives for strategic vision, with implementation support.