Important Regulation Change: Mandatory Face Masks for Penalty Corners
Published Fri 28 Feb 2025
You may have been made aware of a recent regulation change by the FIH, making it mandatory for all defending players to wear a face mask for penalty corners at all FIH competitions.
To align with the FIH standard, Hockey Australia will be adopting the same regulations change for all of its National Championships (U14, U16, U18, U21, Men’s & Women’s Masters, Country Championships, and Indoor Championships) and for all Hockey One League events.
Hockey Queensland supports this implementation and will adopt the new FIH regulation changes regarding facemasks for all State Championships and Challenge events and 5-metre rule interpretation for all outdoor State Championships:
- It will be mandatory for all defending players to wear a face mask for penalty corners at all Hockey Queensland State Championships and Challenge events.
- Players must not approach within 5 metres of an opponent receiving a falling raised ball until it has been touched by the receiver. The ball may be intercepted within 5 metres but outside of playing distance provided it is done safely.
This change at a National and State level is effective immediately (i.e. in 2025) and reflects the ongoing commitment to athlete welfare, particularly recognising the increasing speed and power of the game.
For the application of the rules in local fixtures please contact your Association.
Associations have been encouraged to implement the new rules at Association level.