HQ Officiating Calendar 2025 (coming soon)
HA Umpiring Directions 2025 (coming soon)
HQ Outdoor Championships UM/UC Appointments Criteria v2025
HQ Indoor Championships UM/UC Appointments Criteria v2025
HQ Champsionship Appointment Criteria for Technical and Umpire Panels v2025
HQ Appointed Tournament Officials Process v2025
Umpire Mentor Program
- Umpire Mentor List (currently being updated)
- Request for Umpire Mentor
- Umpire Mentor Program Visit – Association Report
- Umpire Mentor Program Visit – Mentor Report
- HQ Umpire Assessors List (currently being updated)
Umpiring Accreditation
Hockey Ed Umpire Accreditation levels & Hockey Queensland interim Assessment levels for Hockey Queensland umpires
You may be Practically Assessed in your local Association or at a Championship only by an approved Hockey Queensland Assessor. Either before or after a Practical Assessment has been undertaken at one of the above Levels, you will need to access HockeyEd and register as the appropriate accreditation level when a HA HockeyEd Accreditation for which you are being assessed as and complete the online component.
The HQ Accreditations provide additional levels of assessment and provides another step in the Umpiring Career Development Pathway and links with the HA Hockey Ed Accreditation Levels.
The HQ & HA Umpire Accreditation Levels - Required Criteria & Competencies document indentifies the criteria required to be met for Hockey Australia HockeyEd levels and the Hockey Queensland interim levels of accreditation.
Queensland and Australian Umpire Accreditation Levels - required criteria & compentencies (currently being updated June 2024)
QUESTIONS? Email the office at
Hockey Australia Fitness Testing Requirements document
Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test Level 1 Description
Levels, Speeds and Accumulated distances for YY1R1
Qld Approved Supervisors List for Umpire Fitness Testing (as at 11th March 2025)
2025 QLD Umpire Fitness Test Result form
Any questions please contact Kerry Liebenberg via